The Senate blocked a bill pushed by Democrats to codify abortion rights into federal law on Monday, 46-48, ahead of an expected Supreme Court ruling that might limit access to the operation.
Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., cohered with Republicans in opposing the Women’s Health Protection Act, which failed to obtain the votes required to overcome a filibuster and would have fallen short of the 50 votes needed for passage.
The Women’s Health Protection Act has 48 Democratic cosponsors, with Manchin and Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa, the outliers. Casey voted to start the debate on the bill. Six senators abstained from voting.
The Supreme Court reviews the fate of the landmark Roe v. Wade decision. Many opponents of legal abortion are optimistic that access will be limited, while proponents of abortion rights are expecting the worst, according to the 6-to-3 conservative majority and the tone of oral arguments in December.
In September, the bill, which cleared the House, was supporters’ last chance to see a measure passed to assure abortion remains legal in all 50 states. If the Supreme Court overturns Roe, it will result in restrictive regulations in 26 states and allow legislators in other states to restrict or abolish abortion.
Sen. Patty Murray, D-Washington, told NBC News that “this is day one” of the bill’s dead end.
“We’re not going down without a fight.” “We’re not going anywhere,” she declared. “I do not want to go back to the days when women died as a result of unsafe abortions.” I intend to keep fighting, and I intend for Americans to join us.”
Ahead of whatever the Supreme Court decides, Planned Parenthood told NBC News last month that it was boosting logistical centers across the country to reduce the burden on individuals seeking abortions by assisting with food, accommodation, transportation, and cash support.
The “battle continues – in Congress and in the states,” according to Alexis McGill Johnson, head of Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
After hours of debate, Florida lawmakers pass a 15-week abortion bill.
“No matter how much money they earn or where they reside, everyone deserves access to abortion. It’s unacceptable that so many senators voted against the health and rights of their constituents. “In a statement, Johnson stated. “As state legislatures intensify their attacks on reproductive rights, we need lawmakers at all levels of government to step up in this time of crisis.”
Supreme Court arguments “went very well” for abortion opponents, according to Carrie Severino, president of the conservative group Judicial Crisis Network. She pointed out that just because they win doesn’t mean abortion will be prohibited everywhere.
“Is your abortion law going to change, especially if you live in New York or California? “No,” Severino responded, adding that a victory for the Mississippi state official named as the primary plaintiff would merely return the subject of abortion regulation to the states, “where it has always been since 1973.”